Quizzing for the glory of God and the love of God.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

More Quizzing Resources.

Hello Everyone!

     So a few days ago at practice I mentioned that I would upload some new resources and make them available here.  I ran into technical difficulties, so I wasn't able to get them up here sooner, but now I've got them ready.  Thanks for your patience.  I hope these help in your studying!

(Incidentally, the old resources are being included again here as well.)

Audio Recordings:
James 1
James 2
James 3
James 4
James 5

Pages showing the first two words of every verse in a specific chapter:
James 1
James 2
James 3
James 4
James 5

Pages showing all the key words in each verse respectively:
James 1
James 2  (By the way, the line drawn from 2:9 to 2:11 is indicating "transgressor" and "transgressors", as two different but similar sounding key words.)
James 3
James 4
James 5

Ciao for Now,

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bible Quizzing Video Project!

Hello Everyone!

     An exciting idea has come to mind.  Every meet (and at practices too), we have a great number of quizzers who photograph and film everything from Finals to goofy ping-pong tournaments.  It would be excellent if we could take all those pictures and videos and put them to good use as a Bible Quizzers video!  With that in mind, I need your help.  If you're in the PNW district and have anything that you think would be worth sharing please send it to this email address:


If your file won't fit in an email, click on this address:
http://www.dropitto.me/BibleQuizzingVideoProject, and you'll see this page:

 Use this password to upload files up to 75mb.

 From there, you can upload your file to a special online storage client (Dropbox) made for this specific purpose.  Please keep in mind that files uploaded this way are not encrypted while transferred.  They will be secured once they are uploaded, however, and I won't use them without your permission for anything outside the video project.

If that doesn't work or you have something else in mind, or you don't know how to get a certain file to me, or you want to get files to me a different way, or you hate the font I use to type these posts, leave a comment or write an email to the above address and we will figure something out.

No video or picture is not good enough!  If you have something to share to share, then do so!

     I will put your works into a video as a memento of the great times we have had quizzing.  I will then post the results to a webpage that the video can be downloaded from.  If you wish to retain anonymity either in name or as a file provider, please let me know.  I will respect your wishes.  If you have anyone in a picture that you're not sure is okay with being in the video, please let me know and I will either get them out of there or not use the pic at all.  I want to make sure your privacy is respected, so please let me know any of special requests.  If you have further ideas, or videos that might not be good for the clip but which would still look great on YouTube, feel free to send them to me.